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Mindset Mondays…

I’m going to be starting a series of posts on mindset, and how it affects birth. Here is my first post, as copied from other social media.

Mindset plays such an important role in birth.... what are some limiting beliefs that our culture fed you about natural birth? What did you do to root out and replace those beliefs?

In pregnancy, she wanted to do it....

Her mom said "What if you can't do it?"

Her friends said "Giiirrrlllll you have lost your mind! First real contraction, you'll be wanting the drugs. I loved my epidural."

Complete strangers said "You are more brave than I! Better you than me."

The medical community told her "This is a medical event that needs to be 'managed' and 'manipulated.' You can't do this without our 'help.' "

Her culture told her that birth was to be feared.... and yet, she knew what she wanted, and she fought for it.

In labor....

She said "I can't do this anymore"

Her midwife said "You ARE doing this, and you are doing great."

She said "I just want to stop and go home."

Her midwife said, "The only way out is through."

She said, "I'm not strong enough."

Her midwife said "God will give you the strength you need."

She said, "I can't push him out."

Her midwife said, "You were designed to do this. Your body was MADE for this. You CAN do this... you are."

And then... suddenly, he was here. And her face was awash with wonder, amazement, and love for this tiny being for whom she had worked so hard.

And her midwife, once again, marveled at the beauty of God's design... at how strong women are... And she was humbled that she gets to play a minor role in such a beautiful event. ~Amy Bixby Redman

#BelovedBirthMidwife #homebirth #midwifelife #waterbirth #YeahthatGreenville

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