Amy Bixby Redman, LM

Amy grew up in Europe, where midwives were the standard of care for pregnancy and childbirth, and obstetricians were considered the “high risk specialists.”  This helped to form her strong belief that childbirth is a natural event in a woman’s life, and that in healthy, low risk pregnancies, “non-interventive care” is best for both mom and baby.

At the age of 12, after “assisting” the midwife with her baby brother’s immediate post-birth care, she was confident that this was her passion and calling in life. She began training as a midwife apprentice in ‘95.  After taking time off for mission work in Europe, West Africa, and Haiti, she moved to SC to finish her training. 

She has been serving the birthing community in the Upstate with dedication and compassion since 1999.  After serving with Labors of Love for 19 years, she moved to Greenville to create her own independent practice, reflecting her heart and passion for serving the birthing community of the upstate. She is now entering the season of serving women with whom she played a role in delivering as infants.