Our classes.

  • Childbirth Classes w/Rebecca.

    Preparing for your baby’s birth with childbirth education can help set realistic expectations and prepare you for the journey ahead. We are excited to offer childbirth classes paired with postpartum and newborn education.


  • Childbirth Classes w/Ella.

    Preparing for your baby’s birth with childbirth education can help set realistice expectation and prepare you for the journey ahead. We are excited to offer childbirth classes paired with postpartum and newborn education. Includes breastfeeding education.


  • Maidens by His Design.

    A course to teach you and your daughter all about menstruation, cycle health, and God’s creation of women’s bodies from a Biblical perspective in a safe environment of other mothers and daughters. Class includes workbooks and all produce samples.

    $85/mother+daugher; additional daughters $60