The birth of Mother
It’s a tale as old as time.
It’s a tale as old as time. We can see the echoes of creation in the light in a new expectant mother’s eyes. It’s a time of hope, of planning, of waiting, of growing. Her hand rests on her belly, gently, with a brush of love as she chats or laughs. She may not know we noticed…but we do. We wait and watch, we become friends; we plan, we examine, we check.
When the day comes, her face is different. The blushing happy days of a swayed walk are replaced by an intense, determined look. Her eyes are fierce, she is inside, working with Birth. It’s a new friend, she isn’t sure yet how much of a friend. She’s wary. Her eyes close. We wait.
In the moment we hand Mama her baby, her eyes see nothing else. To her, this is the moment of miracle, when love and life overwhelm her. She’ll never forget this moment, the memories seared into her mind will be there always. Fresh baby skin, mewing baby cries, laughter and tears, fully enveloping and enveloped by this new life.
To us, it’s the moment we watch Birth turn her into Mother, dusting off hands and going away until another visit someday. She doesn’t see Birth leave, doesn’t see Birth’s work, not the way we see. We smile to ourselves. The blush and focus have turned into love. She has no more attention for her own needs, so we quietly care for them for her. It’s the birth of motherhood, the moment she has turned strength and patience into beauty. She has accomplished, overcome, and at the same time forgotten her own goal and has a thousand new ones nestling in her gaze. And with our experience, we work, we tidy, we quietly fall into the shadows and still marvel all over again at the birth of a mother.
The Birth of a New Practice
Original - Wednesday June 17, 2020.
***Edited on September 26, 2022 - We were informed that we had inadvertently infringed on a trademark (Birthright) and this necessitated changing our name to Beloved Birth Midwifery.***
It’s a season of change, isn’t it? New steps, new challenges for us all.
After serving the birthing community since 1995, 20 years of which have been in other practices right here in the Upstate, I’m excited to announce that I will be serving the community as Amy BixbyRedman, independent midwife at BirthRight Midwifery. I do plan to grow the BirthRight team in the future in exciting ways! But first, I am taking some time for setting up a practice that reflects my values, compassion and dedication to our birthing mamas.
In early 2020, it became abundantly clear that it was time for me to step up into an independent practice. There were many factors behind this decision, and it is not one that was made lightly.
Once the decision was made, the whirlwind began. It was time to move forward quickly.
I turned to a small group of women (past clients and friends, professionals, and strong, supportive women) for advice. The “collective” helped develop business names and logo ideas that reflected my passion for the families I serve. These women listened to me patiently.
They encouraged me in my dreams for the future.
They cheered me on when decisions daunted me.
In 4 short weeks, we have accomplished the unbelievable: a new business name, logo, and media presence, business cards, letterhead, monogrammed scrubs, and over 100 pages of contracts and educational info created and uploaded into the online charting system. We still have a lot to do... the website is definitely still under construction, but we’re here!
I’m also excited to share that Karla Costner is going to be serving at BirthRight as an apprentice. She has been such an amazing asset already to my business growth, but especially to our Moms and Babies. You’ll love her!
Looking forward to what the future holds. Much love to you! Amy