Childbirth Education
Pardon me while I rant a little bit.... OK, maybe a LOT! Today, I was asked by a tearful mother to explain to her husband why it was important to take a childbirth class. Women have been giving birth for years. Women have been giving birth NATURALLY for years... without classes... so WHY now?
Why now????
Because of the mother who sat in front of me with tears rolling down her face and said "My mother asks me every day, 'What if you can't do it?'"
Because of the young girl whose grandmother said (in her presence) "She's planning on a natural birth? I hope you are ready to only have one child, because IF she's successful, she'll never do it again!"
Because our society has eaten the lie, hook line and sinker, that women are not capable of giving birth. That birth is NOT a natural process, but rather one that needs to be controlled and manipulated.
Because our society has taught moms to lose faith that they were designed to do this (It's been happening for thousands of years, and the human race hasn't become extinct) and has led them to "accept" that one in 3 babies has to be surgically removed from their bodies.
Because women who desire to birth naturally have been mocked with comments like "Honey, don't try to be a hero... there's nothing heroic about going through that pain. TAKE THE MEDS!!!"
Until our culture comes to understand that birth is normal, and natural, and that yes, it hurts like ********** but then it's over, and you have a healthy baby, and it's OK…
Until women are encouraged to believe that their bodies were created to do this thing, and do it WELL
Until people stop mocking women who desire to have a low intervention birth
Until we come together to support women in their birth choices (whatever that choice may be) instead of plying them with our horror stories, reinforcing that they can't do this
Then child birth classes are important. Our mamas need SOMEONE (besides just their midwife) to say "Birth is normal, and natural. Birth is the hardest thing that you will ever do, but you can do it!!!!" I have confidence in you."
So.... If I ever end up pregnant (Highly unlikely) you will find this midwife sitting in class, right along with other parents, gaining strength and encouragement from a group of peers who are all working toward the same goal... a natural birth. Amy BixbyRedman LM - May 19. 2015